The most effective ways to improve your sight reading score:
- Take the SASR test every day for one month. (Average 45 point increase in 28 days)
- Play through one level of Piano Marvel Method section below your current ability. (Average 35 point increase in 28 days)
- Play through one level of Piano Marvel Technique section below your current ability. (Average 32 point increase in 28 days)
- Play through a song in the Piano Marvel Repertoire every day without stopping. (Average 26 point increase in 28 days)
- Play through the minced slicing of a repertoire piece in Piano Marvel that is at least one level above your current performance level. (Average 20 point increase in 28 days)
- Work on your theory and ear training. A significant skill of great sight readers is their ability to see and hear what they are playing instantly when they see the score. To instantly recognize a chord or pattern visually and aurally is a great way to improve your reading
- Look over the score before you start. Notice time signature and rhythmic patterns, key signature and melodic patterns in the music so they don’t surprise you.
- Practice not looking at your hands
- Learn to count out loud. Counting in your head does not count! No pun intended.
- Sing the melody in your head.
- Go through 10 rhythm exercises in the Repertoire daily for one month.